Content Marketing Strategy: White Paper
Posted Jun 24, 2016 in Marketing
When Daxton Grubb, Owner, R-Dent Dental Lab, West Bartlett, TN, began promoting the lab’s new INspire multi-layer translucent full-contour zirconia restorations, his first step was to create and promote a comprehensive guide to all-ceramic materials and indications. Combining this educational white paper with a special offer for INspire crowns turned into a powerful content marketing campaign.
“I felt marrying our message about an innovative material that was just coming to market with an overview of other all-ceramic options would help doctors better understand the benefits of our new material,” says Grubb. “Tying a promotional offer to relevant content is key when developing these campaigns.”
He promoted the white paper via email and Facebook, both of which directed dentists to a landing page that requires the dentist to enter his name, email and other contact information. The dentist then receives a confirming email to which he has to respond...