Content Marketing Strategy: e-newsletter
Posted Jun 22, 2016 in Marketing
When Bill Atkission moved from California to North Carolina five years ago and founded Bella Vita Dental Designs, he wanted to expand his client base and become a valuable resource to his customers, specifically CEREC doctors. He started emailing a quarterly newsletter, The Bella Vita Smi)e Source.
Each e-newsletter includes a Featured Case of the Quarter as well as two other articles, such as news about CEREC systems and techniques, other services he offers and practice management tips like 4 Characteristics of Connected Patients from and Ramping Up When Things Slow Down in Your Dental Practice from Spear Digest.
It takes Atkission about eight hours to find content and create the e-newsletter. He’s a member of numerous CEREC-related Facebook groups and as he sees new content coming out, he selects the most relevant, helpful information. “A lot of doctors don’t know what’s going on in the CEREC world. I can...