
The deadlines for ad placements and cancellations are as follows:

April: March 10

May: April 10

Prepayment is required by check, Visa or MasterCard. Please send ads and questions to Amanda Voyez or call 203-426-4568.

Regular Classifieds

Appear in paragraph form and are billed by the word: $90 for the first 30 words ($90 minimum charge). Additional words, to a maximum of 75 words, are $1.25 each. For consecutive insertions, there is a $5 discount after the first insertion. Regular classifieds appear in black and white only.

Display Classifieds

Appear in boxes, can include logos and/or pictures and are billed according to size: $150 per column inch (one column inch is 1-3/4" wide and 1" deep). For consecutive insertions, there is a 10% discount after the first insertion. You may supply a digital file or camera-ready art or you can send us your ad copy, and logo or photo if applicable, and we will design your ad at no charge.



Color is available for display classifieds only at an additional $30/column inch for a process or standard color or $60/column inch for 4/color.

LMT Box Numbers

Box numbers offer advertisers complete confidentiality; readers send responses to LMT and we forward them to the advertiser upon receipt. Cost: $30 per insertion.