Making In-Person Sales Calls
Posted May 15, 2023 in Marketing
Throughout my 30-year career, I’ve always had at least one salesperson on staff to help drive our business via in-person sales calls. Our current salesperson, Dan Porter, visits about 200 potential and active accounts per month within a 75-mile radius.
Since many labs no longer have salespeople since COVID hit, his active presence has been invaluable to our continued growth. And, combined with our pickup and delivery service, his efforts help our 40-person laboratory offer the same level of personal customer care you might expect from a smaller operation.
Since our goal is to acquire five new accounts per month, Dan spends about 75% of his time on identifying and recruiting new clients. Each week we sit down with our list of potentials to discuss which offices to visit; Dan researches each office in advance so he knows how we can best meet the client’s needs, the key points to make in his sales call and which marketing materials will be most...