Jim Glidewell, CDT: Leading by Example
Posted Apr 30, 2019 in Labs & Profiles
By Greg Minzenmayer, COO, Glidewell Dental, Newport Beach, CA
During my tenure in the dental industry, I’ve had many mentors who have influenced me and my career, but the most significant one has been Jim Glidewell.
As the President and CEO of Glidewell Dental, Jim has more than 50 years of industry knowledge; is a natural-born leader and educator; and is always teaching, mentoring and helping others move ahead. I credit Jim with teaching me much of what I know about leadership and everything I know about the lab business and I’ve been fortunate to work side-by-side with him to glean from that expertise.
Jim operates with a unique set of business philosophies that distinguish him and his company. First and foremost, he doesn’t set out to make a profit; his main objective is to provide for the continuous growth of his employees’ careers, while improving the...