The Minimum Wage Debate
Posted Oct 01, 2015 in Management
The following article first appeared in LMT’s August 2015 edition of the LMT Insider,
our monthly e-newsletter, and takes a closer look at the pros and cons of the minimum wage ordinances that have recently made national headlines.
The push for higher minimum wages has seen some victories of late. In 2014, Seattle was the first major city to announce plans to phase in a minimum wage of $15 over three years—or over seven years for companies with fewer than 500 employees—then San Francisco and Los Angeles followed suit with similar ordinances. Just last month, New York’s Wage Board approved a $15 hourly wage for fast-food workers and the University of California has also announced plans to enact a $15 minimum wage. In November, the District of Columbia voters may vote on a proposal to do the same.
If more cities follow suit with a $15 minimum wage, what would be the result?
Supporters say it would ensure more Americans had enough to...