Management Strategies: How to Be an Effective Leader
It’s well known that strong management is a critical part of organizational health. But what type of leadership behavior is most effective?
8 Steps to Becoming a Better Boss
If you are supervising employees or contemplating adding employees to your staff, your success will be measured by how your employees feel about you.
Studies show that having a good boss is more important than other work factors, including income earned. Almost half of those who report their bosses are...
George Obst
May 26, 2016 at 3:52pm
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What Makes an Effective Leader?
To answer this question, Dr. Sunnie Giles, Founder of Quantum Leadership Group, completed a study of 195 leaders in 15 countries. Participants were asked to choose the 15 most important leadership competencies from a list of 74. She grouped the top 10 competencies into five major themes, all of which...
LMT Communications, Inc.
May 26, 2016 at 3:45pm
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4 Traits of a Strong Leader
It’s well known that strong management is a critical part of organizational health. But exactly what type of leadership behavior is most effective?
Using their own practical experience and searching the relevant academic literature, researchers at McKinsey & Co. came up with a comprehensive...
LMT Communications, Inc.
May 26, 2016 at 3:41pm
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