Strategy: Outsourcing to Take Advantage of AI-Powered Design
Posted Feb 13, 2024 in Labs & Profiles
Early last year, we had a staff shortage on our five-technician design team due to illness and I knew I needed a backup plan. When I reviewed our workflow as a whole, I saw that 50% of the 300 fixed cases we receive weekly were simple, single-unit posteriors so I began exploring our outsourcing options.
We were already using 3Shape software, so it seemed like a natural step to work with its AI-powered 3Shape Automate design service. Our lead designer sent a couple of test cases and was impressed with the quality; the designs needed little to no adjustments.
Confident this was a good fit, we now have one person scan all our posterior single units and upload them to 3Shape Automate. Within 15 minutes, we receive the design and, after review by one of the lab’s designers, we can either accept or deny the design. We have yet to deny a case! Now we have a more streamlined workflow and my talented design team has more time to focus on more complex, esthetic...