Offshore Outsourcing: Shopping in a Global Market
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Management
In our price-competitive, technician-deprived industry, offshore outsourcing is becoming an increasingly viable business strategy. For many U.S. laboratory owners, it is also a key factor in their ability to grow their laboratories. Although their use of offshore outsourcing varies--for example, some owners only outsource non-precious units while others are outsourcing the majority of their work--these owners are unanimous about one point: it's working for them.
Overseas labs that cater to the U.S. market offer cost-effective pricing--fees that are typically one-half to two-thirds lower--and many are high-volume production facilities that are open 24/7 and offer a full range of services. By using their services, U.S. laboratory owners are able to meet the needs of cost-conscious dentists while maintaining their desired profitability. Offshore outsourcing also minimizes the stress of finding and training new technicians and gives the laboratory a competitive...