As you have read in recent dental magazines, we have lost Vincent Alleluia, the most prominent dental technician of our time.
I met him when we were both employed by the J. Aderer Co., in Long Island City, NY. He was a top salesman who sold dental laboratory products and presented technology courses; I was a secretary in the education department. Both departments presented dental courses in laboratories, colleges and other dental facilities and Vincent was deeply involved in presenting them.
After a while, he asked me if I would be interested in participating in a new program he was organizing. Though I had no idea yet what this was all about, I decided to join. Well, I came, I saw, I conquered and, from the very first day to the very last day—a period of 45 years –I became a part of Vincent’s establishment of the American Society for Master Dental Technicians (ASMDT).
I was given instructions on what to do and did all I could to help make the program a success. Vincent set up the programs that were presented throughout the year. After we settled “headquarters” at New York University (NYU), students came from many states of the US to participate.
Vincent presented the courses in person, with assistance of guest lecturers. Students came with question marks on their faces, which changed into looks of admiration and knowledge very quickly. Course outlines were explained on the website and students were informed by telephone, e-mail, faxes, etc.
The questions that were asked spoke volumes; my favorite phrase then was: "If you ask him a question, you get a clinic for an answer." I went to many of the dental meetings, both in NYC and also other locations. After each year was completed, students appeared before the Board of Examiners, showed their cases and answered question asked by members of the Board.
The reward was a graduating party where students and their family members were invited for a dinner and a dynamic presentation of their MDT certificates. These were beautifully designed with the MDT logo, signed by Board Members, with names in fancy scripts; there was live music and proud faces of all present, visible around the venue.
All working hours and super results were under Vincent's direction and accepted with pleasure from a genius in the dental field. Many of the assistants were acknowledged for their contributions to the success. I enjoyed all the years I was Executive Director of ASMDT and meeting so many students who were raised to the highest level of their ambitions. I am still in touch with many of them and see the success they are having from the knowledge gained from a man who gave his ALL for their future. Vincent Alleluia will be remembered for many years! May he RIP in the upper level of all he accomplished.
Sue Heppenheimer
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