Working On Your Business, Not In It: Digital Marketing Tips & Tricks
Posted Jan 19, 2017 in Marketing
"Write this down,” Michael E. Gerber, New York Times Bestselling author of The E-Myth Revisited, commanded the 100-plus attendees packed into his keynote at Dentsply Sirona’s first inLab Marketing Summit. “Go to work on your business, not in your business.”
Many of the other lecturers at the marketing-themed two-day event echoed Gerber’s idea that lab owners should not get mired in the day-to-day work but, instead, should focus on more of a “big picture” approach. Held at Dentsply Sirona in Charlotte, NC, the information-packed program was co-sponsored by the TravelFlo Group, Shofu and Harvest Dental. With a focus on digital marketing in today’s challenging marketplace, the key takeaways are:
Use a Rifle, Not a Shotgun: Michael Dunn, Sales and Marketing Consultant, suggested that labs take a targeted approach when posting on social media...