Time to Grow
Posted Mar 08, 2012 in Publisher's Page
Even though summer is always over too soon here in the Northeast, there's something magical for me in every season and September holds the anticipation of fall, alive with color and the crisp, cooler air. There's vitality anew as we reconnect with one another after having parted ways to vacation.
In fact, here at LMT, we're filled with vitality because of our plans for 2011:
The LAB DAY Chicago Exhibit Hall will now open for four additional hours: on Friday afternoon, from 2pm-6pm. There will be clinics on Friday as well. (Our Saturday hours remain the same.)
This is an extension you asked for. For the last several years, the number of attendees has consistently been above 3,000--sometimes reaching close to 3,300--that's a lot of important decision makers who need more time and elbow room for listening and learning.
We're very pleased with this decision. Hopefully it will give you much more of an opportunity to take the clinics you want and still have ample time...