The Argen Corp.: How the World's Largest Alloy Company Reinvented Itself in the Digital Age
Posted Feb 25, 2015 in Digital Dentistry
When cows sense there’s a storm coming, they run away from it; since they’re slow runners, the storm eventually catches up to them, prolonging their time in the storm. Buffalos have a very different response; they run into the storm, minimizing their time in the bad weather. The moral of the story: when managing change, be the buffalo.
This is a lesson Anton Woolf, CEO, Argen Corp. took to heart 10 years ago when he saw the impending boom of digital technology and the impact it might have on his company, the largest alloy manufacturer in the world. Turning head-on into the storm, he had the foresight to conceive a plan to reinvent Argen Corp. and its product offerings to meet the needs of the changing marketplace. The result? The Argen Digital Center.
Recognizing the potential of the selective laser melting (SLM) process, the company purchased its first $650,000 SLM machine in 2005 and began developing powdered forms of its alloys that could be layered and fused...