Some Things Never Change: Inadequate Impressions Still Labs' Biggest Client Headache
Posted Mar 26, 2015 in LMT Surveys
Laboratory respondents to our State of the Industry 2015 survey ranked clients’ impression-taking skills as their number-one client-related challenge, saying one quarter of the impressions that come into their laboratory are inadequate, a result of dentists not following manufacturers’ guidelines, delegating the task to assistants, or just not carefully evaluating the impressions before sending them to the lab.
While 94% of laboratory-respondents say they’re comfortable calling their clients for replacement impressions, they often still hear those words that make most of them cringe: do the best you can.
“I cannot do the best I can without a good impression. Just one or two minutes of their time could save so much on both sides,” says Carol Sullivan, CDT, Owner, Dental Lab Solutions, Loveland, CO. “I often just refuse those impressions or I send the model to the doctor and ask him to trim the die or reimpress. After that happens...