2012 Removables Survey: Removable Market Holding Its Own
Posted Sep 12, 2012 in LMT Surveys
Forty-five percent of respondents to LMT's exclusive 2012 Removable Survey rate the market as good and 35% classify it as fair. The majority say their removable business in the first half of 2012 is level or just slightly up or down compared to all of 2011.
At one end of the spectrum is the 9% of survey participants who say the market is booming and that business is markedly up. "All areas of our removable department are up. We had a record May and July was not far behind. As far as fixed, we are down double digits," says Gary Iocco, Owner, Dimension Dental Design, Hastings, MN.
At the opposite end of the scale is the 11% who say the market is poor. "We're down 30 to 40%. Not much new work is coming in; mostly repairs, temporaries and nightguards," says the President of a New Jersey lab.
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