My Personal Path with OSA
Posted Nov 25, 2015 in Publisher's Page
“Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone!”
~ Anthony Burgess, author of Clockwork Orange
Not everyone who has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) snores and not everyone who snores has OSA, but if you snore—or reside with a snorer like I do—you’re probably not always getting the best quality sleep.
Sleep deprivation contributes to a decline in cognitive processes, creates anxiety and depression and can lead to a myriad of serious heart-related and other medical conditions. So, clearly, that’s simply not acceptable. Sleep we must!
So Andy and I have sought treatment for his very loud, irregular snoring and that landed us in the world of sleep studies and CPAP machines. Since OSA is a medical condition, diagnosis and treatment must be left up to physicians but there is a definite and strong medical/dental connection.
Quite a few years ago, former Lab Owner...