My Extra Degree: Give 'em the Pickle
Posted Sep 13, 2017 in Management
“The late Bob Farrell, who founded Farrell Ice Cream Parlor and Restaurants on the west coast, would often say to his team, ‘Give ‘em the pickle’,” explains Warren Rogers, CEO, Knight Dental Group, Inc., Oldsmar, FL. “He was known as one of the first restauranteurs to give a pickle with each sandwich—he later become a motivational speaker—and it was his way of saying, ‘give customers extra service!’
“This is what Knight Dental Group does with every new customer. When a new dentist switches from another lab, it can be a scary experience for him with a big unknown as to how he’ll be serviced, what the product will look like and who is going to take care of him. We do everything possible to make that new customer feel wanted and well taken care of during this challenging time. He’s assigned a personal team, including a technical manager, and can use our mobile app so he feels continuously...