Love, Loss and the Need For Change
Posted Feb 08, 2013 in Publisher's Page
LMT's home is Newtown, Connecticut. Several of us live here, too.
When I heard David Wheeler, the father of 6-year-old Sandy Hook shooting victim, Ben, speak last month, I felt his words needed to most urgently be broadcast across our United States. He said: "My wife and I have spent the last month tasked with being the best possible parents for our surviving son, Nate. But what we have recently come to realize is that we are not done being the best parents we can be for Ben. If there is something in our society that needs to be fixed or healed or resolved, it needs a point of origin. It needs parents."
Wheeler asked parents to begin the process of change by looking inward: "I would respectfully ask every parent who hears these words to pause and ask, 'What is it worth to you? What is worth doing to keep your children safe?'
"The job of our legislators is to keep its constituents safe. The right to own a weapon is second to the right...