Implants Still Going Strong
Posted May 07, 2013 in LMT Surveys
From custom-milled abutments to hybrid overdentures, LMT's latest Implant Survey
covers the market's hottest trends.
Thanks to proven, long-term success rates; patient awareness; and technical advances like custom-milled abutments, implant planning software and guided surgery, the implant market continues to thrive. In fact, despite the fact that many lab owners are feeling the effects of the economic slowdown in other areas of their business, 73% of respondents to LMT's latest implant survey say the economy has not affected their implant departments (see chart 1).
Sixty-three percent of all respondents also report that their implant business is either "good" or "booming," with the most positive feedback coming from larger labs. Ninety percent of labs with six or more employees rate their implant business as "good" or "booming" compared to just 45% of smaller labs (those with one to five employees); see