How to Create a Milling Model for a Telescopic Prosthesis
Posted Dec 03, 2018 in Technical
Although many European laboratories fabricate telescopic restorations, these cases are not as common in the United States. Several years ago, Arian Deutsch, CDT, saw the market potential, leading him to specialize in these restorations, offer educational courses to U.S. labs and even register a trademark, Deutsch Removable Bridge ZR®. Here, he shares his technique for a telescopic transfer.
Traditional telescopic prostheses using primary components either cast in chromium cobalt or milled in titanium generate a great deal of heat during the hand-milling process, which can warp the master cast or even loosen the implant and tooth preparation analogs. Therefore, these cases require an additional model made from a very low-expansion gypsum, preferably reinforced with resin.
To accurately transfer the primary telescopic components from the master...