Congenital Disabilities Warrant Unique Denture Solution
Posted Nov 17, 2023 in Labs & Profiles
By the team at Murray Kaizer Dental Laboratory, Farmington, CT
This patient presented with several unique congenital disabilities. She was born with a cleft palate and a narrow, underdeveloped maxilla resulting in an inability to properly eat or speak.
Due to the intricacy of this case, we had to design it to be fracture and delaminate resistant yet as esthetic as possible. We designed a cast framework in our 3Shape software and printed it on our Formlabs using the company’s Castable Wax Resin and then invested and cast it in BEGO Wironium chrome cobalt. For maximum retention and tooth support, all natural posterior teeth were clasped and there were metal copings (similar to an overdenture) on teeth #8 and #9. We incorporated a Zest Locator abutment in the anterior for additional retention.
In addition, we integrated a posterior palatal bulb to support the sagging soft palate, decrease the hyper-nasal speech caused by velopharyngeal incompetence,...