CAD/CAM Breathes New Life Into Puckett's Dental Studio
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Labs & Profiles
In 2008, owner Rory Puckett was at a crossroads: business was so slow, he thought he might have to close the doors of his three-person laboratory, Puckett's Dental Studio, Inc. in Dawsonville, Georgia ( In addition to servicing dentist-clients, he had dabbled in subcontracting alumina restorations to other laboratories but what those labs really wanted was milled zirconia, a service he didn't offer.
He began researching the option of buying a complete CAD/CAM system. The $100,000-plus price tags were daunting at first but after several months of in-depth research on different systems and talking with users, his gut told him he could make a go of it. "Three of my key subcontracting customers assured me that if I bought a system, they'd send me their zirconia work. I felt I could generate enough sales to cover the cost of the system and materials within...