The Whole Industry in One Place; is LAB DAY 24/7

LMT's website—with a robust network of over 32,000 verified members of the dental community—is the industry’s go-to online resource for everything LAB DAY, LMT’s survey data, articles and research reports, how-to videos, industry news and more.

Digital Advertising Opportunities

Augment your online presence with our digital advertising opportunities:

Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads on’s Homepage give you the opportunity to be up-front-and-center. Only one space available per month.

Badge Ads

Badge Ads are located within the right-hand column of any web page (or interperspersed between feed stories or list items on mobile view) and offer high visibility. “Social ads” point to content within the site. “Traditional ads” are images that link to an external site. 300 pix wide x 300 pix tall.

Promoted LAB DAY Seminar

Highlight your LAB DAY seminar content on the Seminars Page; promotion appears within the top three spots.

Reader Insider eSponsorships

LMT's monthly eNewsletters, which include a link to LMT's Digital Edition, feature unique content, alert readers to breaking news and trends, share bonus survey results and give readers a sneak peek at upcoming LMT articles, LAB DAY details and more!

Skyscraper space; one available per eNewsletter in two styles:

  • Traditional ad style: 200 pix wide x 600 pix tall
  • Advertorial style: headline and 100-200 words of copy describing your product or service and 92 dpi color image; LMT will format it and edit to fit our style.
  • Button ads; two available per eNewsletter: 200 pix wide x 200 pix tall.

LAB DAY eSponsorships

Place a banner-style ad within our LAB DAY marketing emails during show season. Average list sizes are 5,000+ with a ~40% open rate.