We offer a number of ways to get your voice into LMT:
Lab Technology Today
In keeping with LMT's emphasis on business strategies, LTT also addresses how to incorporate new technology into your laboratory's workflow and how these technologies can impact your production, profitability and menu of services.
Include the date of the event, program title, sponsor(s), brief description of the program and speakers, location, applicable continuing education credits and contact information. For maximum exposure, Calendar releases should be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to your event. The Calendar is printed in LMT on a space availability basis.
Releases, including people news, are published on a space availability basis at LMT's discretion. If applicable they can be accompanied by a photograph (see Submitting Photographs below). All submissions are subject to editing.
Today's Products
Product releases should run approximately 75 words in length and may be accompanied by a photograph or line drawing (see Submitting Photographs below). All releases are subject to editing for clarity and/or space considerations; promotional copy will be deleted.
Guidelines for Photo Submission
Digital images are preferred; specifications are as follows:
- File type:
.tif format is preferred. - Resolution:
Photos must be at least 266 dpi/ppi; line art should be 1100dpi. Although we will size the photo to fit our layout, your image should be a minimum of 2" x 2" in size. - Color:
Four-color images must be in CMYK - not RGB, index or lab-format. - Via E-mail:
Both PC and Mac formats are accepted; please compress images before sending them.