Reinventing Your Marketing and Branding Strategies
As the dental laboratory market trends toward greater levels of commoditization, how do you stand out, how do you get heard, how do you differentiate yourselves in a marketplace that is being bombarded with boundless choices and marketing messages? The good news is there is an answer, and it’s one word: brand. Sasha Der Avanessian takes you on a journey away from the "race to the bottom" and the fear that it commands and leads you towards an understanding of true differentiation, brand loyalty and the hope of creating a value proposition that your dentist can’t afford to lose.
- 1 Professional Development credit
Sasha Der Avanessian
Ceo at Harvest Dental Products · Cary, NC
Sasha Der Avanessian is the Founder and CEO of Harvest Dental, which he started in his garage in 2004. Today, the company’s products are distributed in over 70 countries and have won multiple awards. Leading Harvest’s...