Kelly Loyd · President · Eden Prairie, MN
Where can I find more comparisons between ICAM, Artec 3D spider and InstaRisa..
Where can I find more comparisons between ICAM, Artec 3D spider and InstaRisa..
Thank you to all of the attendees and exhibitors who made LAB DAY West 2019 such a success! We got great feedback on the expanded exhibit hall time--an extra half-day on Friday in addition to all day Saturday--and the 118 educational seminars held Friday and Saturday. It was wonderful to see you all!
We look forward to seeing you all this week. Join this session to discover the unique properties of PEEK that is making it a popular choice with labs, presented by Roger Dawson CDT!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at LAB DAY West!
Lab Day West Lecture Spotlight:
Zirconia Science: What You Should Know 2019
- Paul Cascone, BE MetE, MS
Paul Cascone will discuss the new zirconia types available in the marketplace, the 'Y' classification of zirconia, how color is produced in zirconia, and much more.
#LABDAYWest #ArgenCorporation
Lab Day West Lecture Spotlight:
Zirconia NOW! YOU are the Next Master! From Single Crowns to Full Arch Solutions
-Jack Marrano, CDT and Conrad Rensburg, N.D & N.H.D
Don't miss your opportunity to learn from the zirconia experts! Learn how to achieve reliably beautiful esthetics by combining an efficient...[More]
We had an amazing time at Lab Day Chicago back in February. Looking forward to meeting everyone again in Orange County.