One Step Back, Ten Steps Forward (Reverting to the Basics of Dental Technology)

From GC America Inc.

Call Toni Cusimano at 800-323-7063, ext. 3006

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Marketing efforts often dictate that in order to prevent “falling behind” in an advancing industry, one must follow a particular path. Bill Marais, RDT, DTG, explains how reverting to the fundamentals of dental technology supported the survival of his business and took his restorative skills to a level he never imagined possible.

  • Approved for 1.5 Scientific credits
  • Bill Marais

    Owner at Disa Dental Studio · Portland, OR

    Bill Marais, RDT, DTG, is the Owner of Disa Dental Studio, Portland, OR, a one-man lab focusing on high-end, complex, combination cases. He has continued his education by attending numerous workshops and courses, including...

About The Host
  • GC America Inc.

    GC America Inc. is a leading manufacturer of innovative dental products dedicated to quality, customer satisfaction, and committed to excellence.

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