Cutting Through the Noise: 3D Printed Dentures

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Bryce Hiller talks about the benefits of the 3D-printed denture as well as the drawbacks and limitations. From CAD design to printing, post processing and characterization, you gain a holistic view of how 3D printing dentures can help your laboratory adapt to an evolving 21st century dental industry.

  • Approved for 1.5 Scientific credits
  • Bryce Hiller

    Digital Education Coordinator at Asiga · Louisville, KY

About The Host
  • Whip Mix Corp.

    Founded in 1919, Whip Mix created the first complete dental inlay investment casting unit – with a mechanical spatulator that whipped and mixed better than anything else. An invention so dramatic it changed the industry. And formed our company name.

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