Bring the Patient to Your 3Shape Digital Design Desktop!

From Whip Mix Corp.

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Please note: this seminar has been CANCELED.

Bellus Dental Pro is the latest innovative product from Whip Mix that changes everything when it comes to digital design. Al Fillastre, CDT, shows how it brings the actual 3D patient into the mix for a more accurate smile design while also providing the necessary information to double as a case presentation tool and virtual facebow by helping guide the proper placement of the maxilla into the virtual articulator for more accurate design and function.

  • Al Fillastre

    Owner at CERAM-O-ARTS, INC · Lakeland, FL

    Al Fillastre, CDT, owns Ceram-O-Arts Dental Laboratory in Lakeland, FL, which has been fully digital for over two years. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Stetson University in 1975 and opened his own laboratory alongside...

About The Host
  • Whip Mix Corp.

    Founded in 1919, Whip Mix created the first complete dental inlay investment casting unit – with a mechanical spatulator that whipped and mixed better than anything else. An invention so dramatic it changed the industry. And formed our company name.

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  • Whip Mix Corp. Image

    Hello LAB DAY West Attendees. Unfortunately, we are going to have to cancel this seminar with Al Fillastre.

    We will still be holding our 8:00am-9:30am seminar by Bryce Hiller "Cutting Through the Noise: 3D Printed dentures" and we will be in the Exhibit Hall on Friday and Saturday.

    We can't wait to see you at the show!

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