Consejos de Software CAM para Fresado de 24hrs Continuas

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Descubra los últimos consejos y trucos para maximizar la productividad con las soluciones de fresado DGSHAPE DWX y el software MillBox CAM. En este curso, aprenderás cómo minimizar el tiempo de inactividad de tus fresadoras, maximizar sus capacidades de producción y sus ganancias utilizando las herramientas y funciones disponibles en las últimas versiones de MillBox.

  • Approved for .5 Scientific credit
  • Yago Leal

    Chief Technical Engineer at CIMsystem Americas · Louisville, KY

    Yago Leal is the Chief Technical Engineer for CIMsystem USA. He has a Bachelor's in Manufacturing Engineering with 13+ years of experience working with dental CAD/CAM systems and is the Founder and Owner at Blue Digital Lab in Curitiba, Brazil.

About The Host
  • DGSHAPE, A Roland Company

    DGSHAPE Americas is the sales, marketing and service division for Roland DGA’s DGSHAPE dental products. DGSHAPE dental mills and accessories are the leading choice of dental labs worldwide.

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