All-On-X Workflow--Simplified

Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Learn how to design and integrate a predictable digital workflow for All-on-4 and complex cases for your laboratory with Roland DGA’s DGSHAPE DWX Milling Solutions. Ron Shaw presents a step-by-step workflow with 3Shape design software to obtain optimal final restorations for your clients and their patients.

  • Approved for 1 Professional Development credit
  • Ron Shaw

    Technician at 3Shape

    Ron Shaw has worked in the lab since 2010 and first began his career in crown and bridge design. He then began scanning and designing crowns digitally and eventually expanded his knowledge to include digital waxups and full-mouth...

About The Host
  • DGSHAPE, A Roland Company

    DGSHAPE Americas is the sales, marketing and service division for Roland DGA’s DGSHAPE dental products. DGSHAPE dental mills and accessories are the leading choice of dental labs worldwide.

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