Note: This seminar is from a past LAB DAY show

Lucas Lammott shows how to create natural esthetics with layered zirconia. He covers contouring pre-sintered zirconia; contouring, shaping and micro-texturing sintered, layered zirconia; pre-polishing surfaces with the new Lammott instruments; and polishing, staining and glazing techniques.

  • Lucas T. Lammott

    Ceramist at Niche Dental Studio · Moorestown, NJ

    Technician/ Oral Architect

About The Host
  • Wagner Precision Rotary Instruments

    Wagner Precision Rotary Instruments specializes in the development and distribution of industry-unique rotary instruments designed to contour, shape and polish zirconia, lithium disilicate, printed resins, PMMA, high performance...

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