Luis Gonzalez · Laredo, TX
Thinking of getting a Wieland mini mill. Any thoughts or recommendations?
Thinking of getting a Wieland mini mill. Any thoughts or recommendations?
Dan O' Rourke put out a challenge to our industry and the LMT editorial team and I are intrigued by his suggestion for a "Man vs. Machine" challenge and are discussing its possibilities. At present we're somewhat stuck on the logistics and would love to invite input from others in the community. Since...[More]
SINGLE CENTRAL MATCHES Just curious as to how other labs handle fees for single central matches. We have become the "single central lab" for several offices and are looking for a fresh approach to handling it where we don't lose as much money with these cases.
Hi guys. I am tired of shipping out my models to milling centers and waiting for them to return, only to find out the margins are poor. I want to have the luxury of at least a digital scanner to make my zirconia turnaround faster, but I'm worried about the cost versus profitablity.
There are a couple...[More]
I know there are several single pour disposable articulators on the market that are very fast...and though many labs are using them...the Vertex articulator (the little black one with the stone bases) still seems to be the most common one in most labs. My why? I am doing some research...responses will be appreciated.
I am looking to take my CDT exams this year in Ceramics, and am looking to acquire some good study material for the exams. I have already ordered some of the reference guides and study materials from the NBC but was wondering if you all knew of any good books that will truly help me in the questions...[More]
I'm thinking of going to a pour technique for my dentures after 20 years of flasking and packing. Any recommendations as to which pour acrylic is the best and strongest?
I would like to go into the Ivocap system when I can afford it. Used it for a short time I worked for the VA. Thanks for your comments.
We recently pressed a full contour emax veneer case. Everything came out grate with the pressing. Just one problem..could not glaze them well or even at all
Have any other lab owners out there told their dentists about the 2.3% excise tax? Do you think it's something we should tell our dentists yet? Wondering also who of you out there will "eat" the tax, and who will pass it on?
Hello. Need some good background reading on doing custom shade. Any direction/links will be appreciated. Thanks.
Is anyone pressing Emax with an Optimal Autopress furnace, and if so, do you have any suggestions on pressing programs. Also, does anyone out there have suggestions on pressing furnaces expressly for Emax (other than the Ivoclar ovens - cost prohibitive).
In your opinion, what is the best production porcelain on the market? and by best I mean best in "price, esthetics, handling, and least troublesome"? I currently am using Inline and am thinking of switching to Ceramco 3......I appreciate your opinions.
jack do we get more owners to cross-train their lab techs? There are great benefits!
Curious, what do you consider the most valuable portion of your lab software? (no matter which software you have)
Hello everybody, happy july 4th
I am trying to buy my first CAD/CAM system , but I can not decide between the 3shape and zirconzahn, can anyone help?
What methods for recruiting experienced techs have worked?
How are you going to handle this additional expense for your business?
OK. I have another topic to explore. I hope I don't open up a can of worms along the way.
I think there is something else that can be done help the dental lab industry. This is to address the dental lab techs. Again, maybe it is already being done...but I am not aware of it.
I am not for more laws...[More]
Wondering of better ways to save gold shavings when grinding alloys... I currently use a workbox and a paper towel with the vac turned off... Any more ideas from all you geniuses out there?!
Anyone have any insight on a business credit card with the best perks or rewards? Not much on frequent flyer rewards, looking more for cash back or gifts:) We've always paid our bills by check and more and more of our docs are paying by credit because of the rewards so we thought we would follow the...[More]
Do any of you owners out there have pointers on how to expand your client base? What is your best advice on how to pick up a new dentist? (*Warning* Poster may steal technique)
Hey, any lab owners using the itero system, are you charging an additional fee for the models from itero or not? If so, price range please.
Thank you
Hi,I'm new to the bridge and wanted to see if anyone had some ideas on a problem I have been having lately with one of my accounts.The problem is open contacts in the mouth.The contacts are there on the models(sawed and solid model) but when seated they are slightly to a few tenths of a mm open.I have...[More]
pulling the trigger on 3shape 700 ,, looking forward to have laser sinter all my np pbm copings.
was about time for this technology .
I've been telling everybody for ten years this was going to happen! This is MAJOR MAJOR news. The monolithic crown battle just stepped up to a whole new level!
Robert Shafer
John Lee
Luis Gonzalez
Alisa Sofinski