Is a CDT better than a Non-Certified Technician?
OK. I have another topic to explore. I hope I don't open up a can of worms along the way.
I think there is something else that can be done help the dental lab industry. This is to address the dental lab techs. Again, maybe it is already being done...but I am not aware of it.
I am not for more laws and regulations...I think there is much that can be done before taking that route.
I think the bar for becoming a CDT needs to be raised. As Mark mentioned before, what was the standard before is now old...and new standards need to be raised.
Question: Is a CDT better than a Non-CDT tech? LMT...maybe this could be a topic for you to write about.
Maybe there should be new doing an internship with a dentist...or like understanding x-rays...or like having an internship working in a production lab as well as in high-end type of lab...maybe internship or even writing a paper on a dental manufacturing they can expand their minds more....all before the CDT is granted. Do you think these CDTs might be a little different?
Other bullet items could be included.
Any NADL people here?
(sigh...about to hit the "Share button" Here it goes.)
Jose Walter
Laura Sheppard
Aaron Hoffman
Victor Nin
Mark Jackson