Why Risk a Lawsuit?
Posted Aug 10, 2016 in Publisher's Page
Trade name or patent infringement. Libel or defamation claim. Slander.
Walking into a legal entanglement is not something that’s typically on the mind of a dental laboratory owner yet the possibility for it is there any time you knowingly represent your laboratory as providing a particular brand-name product when, in fact, it is not actually that brand.
To bring it down to the very personal, you want to know if you’re given a substitute for a prescription drug. You already know the old prescription works for your body’s chemistry; you don’t know the new one will. We all—dental patients included—want what works best for us.
Keep this in mind the next time you’re on the fence about which product to add into your line of approved materials.
We are aware dental offices and dental laboratories list brand name products in their brochures and on their websites when, in fact, they don’t actually use that brand. We...