Ward Dental Lab Offers Care to Veterans in Need
Posted Nov 13, 2023 in Labs & Profiles
In support of our nation’s veterans, Ward Dental Laboratory, Brighton, MI, has been partnering with Victors for Veterans (V4V) since its inception in 2012. V4V, part of the University of Michigan Dental School’s community-based collaborative care program, offers free or low-cost dental care to underserved veterans in the state.
The lab’s Founder, Scott Ward, was instrumental in helping to get V4V off the ground. “We began years ago by just reaching out to local VFWs and veterans advocacy groups…and it just took off from there! So far, there’s been no shortage of patients. Veterans are a close-knit group and they share opportunities like this with the brothers and sisters they served with. My father was a vet and I’m proud to honor his legacy in this small way,” he says.
Directed by Dr. Howard Hamerink, the program is staffed by third- and fourth-year dental school students who handle exams, fillings, crowns...