The Dawson Academy: Now Offering a Curriculum Exclusively For Technicians
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Labs & Profiles
The Dawson Academy has welcomed both dentists and technicians in its courses since its inception in 1979, but its recent merger with Lee Culp's Institute of Oral Art and Design has allowed it to expand its curriculum designed exclusively for technicians. Culp, CDT, the Academy's new director of innovation and technology, and Joan Forrest, president & CEO, talk about what the changes mean for its technician-participants.
LMT: What types of technician courses does the Academy now offer and how much experience does a participant need to have?
Forrest: For years, we've offered one technician-focused course but we now offer a total of four. For the most part, a technician can jump in anywhere but we recommend starting with Occlusion and Function for Lab Technicians because it's the foundation on which all of the other courses are built. All of our faculty are practicing technicians or clinicians, which is important...