The More You Give, the More You Get
Posted Aug 08, 2019 in Publisher's Page
We like to call ourselves, “the Data Queens,” because we love conducting and analyzing surveys. Our analysis enables us to help you know where the market is headed, how it’s doing and what products and techniques are ruling the roost. Surveys help us get inside your head and enable us to give you feedback for managing change, identifying turning points and making smart business decisions.
Those of you who take the time to answer our surveys hold an extra-special place in our hearts. We know how precious your time is, truly appreciate your responses and are aware that you have long been a loyal group of respondents.
Now, to make participation ever more appealing—and encourage even greater participation via email—we’ve launched the LMT Survey Squad!
If you’re already opted in to receive LMT surveys via email, you’re automatically a member of the Squad. If you aren’t getting LMT’s email surveys,...