The Global Workplace: A Macro View
Posted Feb 14, 2022 in Publisher's Page
These days, it’s hard to read the news without coming across at least one article about the “Great Resignation” and the fact that employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Employees are in the driver’s seat, wages are rising and the demand for labor is not expected to diminish anytime soon; consequently, employee retention is a top priority for companies.
This is our exclusive Personnel Issue, devoted entirely to managing for maximum performance. As part of our research, we also looked at trends in the global workforce and how other industries are addressing the changing needs of their employees. Here are some of the emerging trends human resource professionals predict for 2022:
- Remote/hybrid work will continue to flourish. In a survey of 4,600 job seekers conducted by FlexJobs, an employment website, 58% of workers say they want to work fully remote post-pandemic and 39% preferred a hybrid setting. Their reasons?...