The Changing Landscape: Large Lab Optimism, DSO Domination and Other Key Trends
Posted Feb 17, 2020 in LMT Surveys
Almost half of the respondents to LMT’s State of the Industry 2020 Survey say their outlook for their laboratory is “challenging but good” and an additional 21% feel it even looks “bright.” Many of these respondents are satisfied with their profitability levels, feel properly staffed and have up-to-date digital equipment and close relationships with customers.
While this optimistic outlook prevails survey-wide, it’s especially notable among larger laboratories: 40% of those with more than five employees say their future is “bright” compared to only 13% of smaller labs. “We have a lot of structure and systems in place so that we’re able to continually measure what’s working and what’s not and make the necessary changes. Plus, we have the ability to continue to train and grow the careers of our people,” says Joanie Bretag, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Ottawa Dental Laboratory, which...