Taking Stock
Posted Nov 16, 2016 in Publisher's Page
Periodically, my staff and I have a swap meet in our company lounge. Mostly we bring in clothes we no longer want; whatever no one else wants, we donate.
In past years I didn’t participate much; I happily alternate between wearing something from 20 years ago with wearing something new. This year, however, I made a resolution to “declutter” so I brought in a boatload of tops and shoes.
Interestingly, I was acutely aware of how difficult it was for me to let go of things that still technically fit and were in good shape while noting that other staff members gleefully unloaded their stuff (that also still fit) and were quite happy to be thinning their wardrobes.
Psychologists and organizing experts say holding onto material things is “emotional baggage standing in our way.” They’ll tell you that our organizational style is a metaphor for how we conduct our lives; that holding on holds us back; that decluttering will help bring calm...