Stratasys Launches New Printer with Soluble Support Material
Posted Apr 23, 2015 in Post-Show Coverage
Stratasys introduced the Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage printer. Equal to the company’s 260V model in size and performance, the 260VS offers PolyJet technology with a soluble support material that dissolves easily from tiny cavities, reducing hands-on labor and reaching internal voids that water-jetting can miss.
The printer is used to fabricate stone models, surgical guides, veneer or denture try-ins, and delivery trays, and can be used with four materials: VeroDent, a natural peach-tone material; VeroDentPlus, a dark beige material; VeroGlaze, an opaque material with A2 shading and medically approved for up to 24-hour placement in the mouth; and MED610 Clear Bio-compatible for printing in-lab surgical guides and delivery trays.
For more details, call 952-937-3000 or visit