Squirrel Wisdom
Posted Mar 08, 2012 in Publisher's Page
Who can really say how we're doing as a community as we enter the second quarter of this new year? Though slightly more than half of you say business is slow--certainly slower than the first quarter of 2008--it hasn't dampened your spirits or your enthusiasm for moving forward and up. Those who have systems in place and who've created a solid business model say they're prepared to weather the storm. The question on everyone's mind, though, is, "How long is it gonna last?"
We are quickly learning how to be and how to survive like squirrels. When squirrels practice preparedness, it's instinct. When we do it, it's wisdom.
Last fall when we asked, "How's business?" many of you expressed a tremendous amount of anxiety about how much further down the markets would plunge before we bottomed out. There was also much discomfort because, at the time, we were in limbo awaiting the results of the presidential election.
I promised that I'd check back to ask again how you are...