Scott James, 36
Posted Feb 16, 2021 in Labs & Profiles
A previous career in graphic design and large-format printing had equipped Scott James with an eye for color and detail and even some computer design experience, but when he first saw coDiagnostiX® implant planning software, he was blown away by its level of sophistication. That’s where he knew he’d focus his energies when, in 2017, he and his wife, Randi, decided to continue her family’s lab—Renstrom Dental Lab, Vadnais Heights, MN—into the third generation.
That year, James took every free moment to absorb all he could; it wasn’t unusual to find him watching Marc Dixon’s 3Shape videos on YouTube while on the elliptical or catching up on the 3Shape study group Facebook page after the kids were in bed (see Marc Dixon’s profile here).
In addition, one of the lab’s dentist-accounts, Dr. Ryan Yakowicz, took him...