Ready For Double Digits
Posted Mar 08, 2012 in Publisher's Page
It's not the double digits in the Dow Jones I'm thinking about. It's how quickly these first nine years of the new millennium flew by and, at the same time, how packed they were with life-changing events. Jam-packed on every front, in fact. And in another month we'll be into the double digits: 2010.
We'll be recorded in history as the generation who saw the end of the 20th century and was intensely affected by the terrorist horrors at the beginning of the new millennium. And we're also the generation who--in addition to having things happen to us--also dynamically made things happen; things that changed the way the world functions! Google, Apple, Microsoft, ebay, Amazon, Facebook, etc., are not what Walt Disney had in mind when he and his animators created It's A Small World After All. But don't we all just love these fantastic--life enhancing--ways in which data can be universally shared for the greater good of all?
These last nine years have also witnessed...