Murray Kaizer Dental Lab: You're Part of the Family
Posted Mar 24, 2014 in Labs & Profiles
Farmington, CT
Owner: Jerry Kaizer
26 employees
While some labs tout a fancy facility or robust benefits package, there’s one thing Murray Kaizer Dental Laboratory has that others simply can’t match: Owner Jerry Kaizer.
“Jerry is half parent, half boss,” says Sabrina Janco, a Sales Representative at the lab who’s known Kaizer since 1977. “He looks out for the best interest of the company as well as his ‘kids,’ striving to teach us how not only to be great technicians and employees, but good people.” Considered a father figure by many, Kaizer—who calls his employees the “next generation of the Murray Kaizer family”—goes above and beyond to help his staff. One employee who was struggling with his weight confided in him that he wanted to get healthy but didn’t know where to start. So, in lieu of giving him a yearly raise, Kaizer...