LMT Lab Day East (2009) Shoppers Hit the Big Apple.
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Industry News
Despite a particularly beautiful Spring day in New York City, 750 laboratory product buyers from all over the east coast came indoors for LMT LAB DAY EAST, not passing up the opportunity to take advantage of show specials, network, and explore new products and systems from nearly 80 exhibitors.
Attendees also took in seminars and clinics that covered the spectrum of technology, including digital fabrication systems, zirconia, ceramics, removables, implants, attachments and infection control. Courses were sponsored by 3M ESPE, Argen Corp., Astra Tech, Bego USA, CDM Dental, Dentsply Prosthetics, Establishment for Advanced Implantology, GC America, Heraeus Kulzer, KDF U.S., Kerr Corp., Nobel Biocare, Nobilium/Ticonium, Preat Corp., Primotec, SensAble Technologies, Shofu Dental Corp., Sirona Dental Systems, Sterngold, Valplast International Corp., Vident, Whip Mix Corp. and Zirkonzahn.