LAB DAY® Chicago 2021 is Moving to May
Posted Sep 18, 2020 in Publisher's Page
We are very excited to announce the rescheduled date for LAB DAY® Chicago! As of now, only gatherings of 50 people maximum are permitted in the city so moving to the spring makes us way more confident that we can safely host the show. Our new dates are Thursday-Saturday May 6-8, 2021.
Even so, we do anticipate that social distancing, masks and frequent hand washing reminders will be active components of the show and are planning accordingly. This may also mean limiting the number of people inside the Exhibit Hall at one time. If everyone cooperates, we’re good.
One more change: As things go, there’s always something. Rescheduling Chicago means we had to move LAB DAY West from May to the last weekend in August: August 27-28, 2021.
Please mark your 2021 calendar now for both of our new show dates. I am pretty sure that, like us, you can hardly wait for the world in which we can interact with one another...