Innovation at the Heart of Handler Manufacturing's 90-Year History
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in Industry News
Handler's Bill Lehman acknowledges that building a long-lasting product has its downside. "I was once at a trade show and a customer stopped by to say, 'I bought a lathe from you 52 years ago and it's still working. Keep it up and you guys are going to work yourselves out of business!'"
But the company isn't going to stop making its quality products anytime soon. In fact, this year the family-run operation celebrates its 90th anniversary.
The company got its start in the early 1900s when New Jersey laboratory owner Edward Handler invented the Donham Flask, a new style of denture flask that was easier to take apart, and the Ideal Press, a new and less expensive flask press. He formed Edward Handler & Sons to sell his products and, over the next several decades, expanded the product line and invented the popular Red Wing Lathe. In 1957, Handler sold the four-person operation to George DeCourcey of the Aderer Gold...