How's Business Survey Results
Posted Apr 28, 2011 in LMT Surveys
LMT asked participants in a very recent e-survey, compared to first quarter 2008,
"How's business in the first quarter of 2009?"
They said:
Markedly down: 25.5%
Slightly down: 27.5%
Mostly level:18%
Slightly up: 20%
Markedly up: 9%
Most participants are weathering the downturn like they would a storm: battening down the hatches, waiting it out and tightening their belts.
The good news is that many lab owners remain somewhat upbeat: they recognize our community is undergoing a revolutionary change that can be a boon to their business if they handle it well: just shy of 90% expect they will still be in business five years from now. That's a far cry from the number of laboratories that some industry prognosticators predict will meet their demise by 2014.
Survey participation was strongest in the East North Central, South Atlantic and Pacific...